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Analysis + Implementation

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Strategy recommendations may be insightful, but without hands-on help they may amount to nothing more than a conversation. Whether it is


- IoT

- Legacy Data Migration

- Sales Strategy


EkaLore, we provide high-level insight plus the hands-on help to turn analysis into action!


Whether you're responding to competitive pressures, dealing with strategic sales issues, modernizing legacy data and applications, implementing the latest in IoT,
or looking to report across disparate systems we can provide both insight and direct assistance -


Contact us

Our Services

Putting Data to Work

Data is the gold of the 21st century. EkaLore is dedicated to enabling your organization to make the most of the information you invested so heavily to accumulate.

Legacy Modernization

Lift and Shift is low value. Interpret and convert legacy data to suit your needs today!

Relevant Time Information

Inform your decisions making using relevant data whether it's real-time or 20 years old .

IoT -
Information of Things

Interpret IoT data across sensor versions and performance. 

Bridging Information Silos

Use a cost-effective approach to unite key data across systems and divisions to create business value.


Ready to find out more?

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