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Post 26. Snafu - Situation Normal — All Fouled Up

In our last post, the CEO’s contact on the board informed her that her time in the job would be short if she didn’t address serious threats to the hospital’s reputation and finances.

Meanwhile – The HR VP came to the CIO’s office for a meeting that very same day. He had reviewed the candidates and not one of them fit the minimum standards.

The HR VP spoke first – “My team tells me that we’re under market for competition. Even if we were at market rates, this is a highly sought-after type of candidate. Security positions are tough to fill normally. Our fringe benefits are not great either. What can you do?”

Earlier that day, one of his vendors called him on his mobile. She‘d heard that the board was setting him up to take the fall for the breach.

The CIO drummed his fingers on the desk, and then replied, “I’ll find the money.” Tell me what we need to pay, and I’ll find a project that can be delayed or canceled. This has to be our top priority.”

The CIO finally realizes that he needs to come up with the money that the search demands.

Next up — Let’s try this again

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