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Arnold Kwong

Alien Invaders: People Watching have Power – Part 2

Ad-skipping is a major consumer choice. Companies battled over remotes that could skip a specific amount of time on a recording. Consumers wanted “ad-free” content. Content creators produced content with specific commercial advertising breaks and sports had “official time-outs” for ads. The power of content distribution and linear media was to force people to see ads that paid for everything (including promotions for the next show). The power is shifting with new business models and content production.

Online advertising has upended media selling ads. People’s actual habits and responses to ads are easier to place ads in front of, easier to measure, and easier to see who buys. Enterprises from China, to the USA, to EU, to everywhere now have more control on advertising spend. Worse for media is the power consumers’ feedback has to stop bad ad campaigns. The feedback starts with what to view with ads, continues with skipping ads, and goes to social media feedback against an ad campaign.

Advertisers have long bought ad placements in traditional media and then tried to measure who saw/read/responded. Billions have been spent before, during, and after actual advertising to do measurements. Billions more were spent based on the conclusions of the resulting metrics. The scarcity of ad placements in linear media (or in a magazine) laid claim to different pricing for placement (“freeway billboard placement”). Ad views were guessed at with statistical sampling, “key demographic households”, and analysis of buying behaviors (some incented). A simple example is an ad might be shown in a limited geography or alongside targeted content – and anything bad was disposed of and ignored. Now, social media outrage can upset decades-built brand-equity and marketshare in very short times. Online advertising is steadily destroying assumptions and advertising revenues for traditional campaigns.

In the next segment EkaLore will look at the changes from people wanting control over their media consumption.

For more information and other releases about the Alien Invaders into media see our site at


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