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The Ransomware Task Force (RTF) has made its recommendations. Academics, industry and governments participated in constructing plans and recommending actions. The plans were addressing reducing threats and helping targets to prepare and respond. Government recommendations had actions to reduce damage on a global scale.
Many existing risk management plans by enterprises (including government) have proven ineffective. Ransomware incidents frequently fall into policy and damage mitigation gaps. Business interruption and other insurance coverages also vary in coverage and recommendations. Decisions to pay extortion are complicated by desires to minimize disruptions and economic damages.
Multiple types of incidents cause similar management disruption. Complex situations that are hard to understand make stakeholders hesitant. Management’s desires for a controlled outcome are difficult to achieve.
Management needs to address the high probability of one or more kinds of incident:
A) By performing all-around planning for multiple types of incidents
B) By executing a consistent incident management process during an incident
C) By performing comprehensive reviews and making changes after an incident
High probability high damage potential incidents need attention and training for the entire management team before an incident.
Examples of planning data to be established and kept up to date:
1) Sources of expertise for different types of incidents
2) Resources for surges of demand for people or equipment
3) Cash, budget, and expense contingencies for demand increases
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