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Dynamic India - 5 Advantages

Our previous post highlighted India's role in Vehicle tech development. We wanted to reiterate some of the unique advantages that India possesses that are driving investment from global manufacturers.

At the risk of seeming repetitive, EkaLore believes that India has 5 conditions that lead to unique advantages for Dynamic India (Tech sector and beyond).

1) Educational attainment and development of domestic expertise provide opportunities for research, work, and progress near the “bleeding edge” of the state-of-the-art.

Educational attainment, and global education credentials gained by Indian-resident staff, provided initial domestic expertise. The expansion of projects and effective application of talent near “the bleeding edge” of the state-of-the-art provides foundational confidence for research, work, and delegation of responsibility to Indian development centers.

2) Competencies of Indian enterprises and talent pools are well regarded on a global basis.

In vehicle manufacturing the highly educated workforce and continuing upgrades of existing business processes and administrative “back office” tasks in India provide confidence in the competencies to deliver desired technical results. The reputation of well-educated Indian technical workers on a global basis provides additional comfort in engineering, information technologies, and mathematics (statistics, dynamics, algorithms). Since Texas Instruments' opening of an Indian development center in 1985, growth and reputation of Indian-based research and development has continued.

3) Connections with a diverse Indian diaspora provide warm welcomes to combine foreign domestic local market knowledge with India-based resources.

The Indian vehicle market is in the top 6 globally. Local market conditions provide value insights themselves (incredibly dense traffic, lack of infrastructure, widely variant geographies). Local staff insights provide an increasingly valuable base of domain knowledge to deepen requirements understanding, extend detailed test requirements, and look to related markets.

4) Differential labor costs for services provide opportunities to monetize Indian know-how and talent in global markets.

5) The Indian labor market is presumed to provide a lower-cost labor base for services of well-credentialed staff. Credentialed staff from schools internal to India are leavened with globally educated and credentialed staff. The perception of global management is the costs of these staff (in India) provide a differential labor cost advantage to development centers in domestic EU, USA, or other markets.


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