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Dynamic India: Getting Smart from Phones 4

In this fourth post in Dynamic India: Smart Phones series we’ll transition from descriptions to a few prescriptions.

Critical to a Dynamic India will be:

A) Focus on capturing value increases and economic benefits of assembling smartphones. Clearly, India will not soon be self-sufficient in leading-edge semiconductors, mixed-signal radio components, and producing 5G infrastructure components. Capturing value against producers in China, Korea, and Vietnam is critical.

B) Nurturing and driving availability and use of common apps/features to reduce cultural and economic friction providing widespread benefits and rewards. Providing clear paths to rewards for app developers to monetize success thru effort and innovation.

C) Use scale and know-how gained in domestic Indian markets to take competitive offerings to global markets – Indian developers and innovators can expand to global markets in less time than creating new hardware industries.

D) Providing the benefits of scale driving ‘network market’ benefits to the largest segments of the population – rewarding scale that provides benefits across geographies and affinity groups

E) Enforcing legal standards to protect identity (authentication), security (privacy, against theft), and availability (non-discrimination). Core services and protections serve all parties in critical ways.

F) Create value-chains for non-economic apps providing better educational opportunities, training/learning, health, and accessibility and transparency of government services. In some global areas, these services are tariff-free as required of carriers for their access to the spectrum.

Dynamic India can become the largest single market (passing China) for mobile-based Internet and create enormous value for everyone.

If you’d like to read the whole series, you can find it here at

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