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Dynamic India New Choices, New Paths

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

EkaLore has been releasing our notes and analysis on the effects on global markets and enterprises on their staff levels and strategies. In this release, the effects of staff changes are considered on Dynamic India.

Dynamic India is seeing multiple waves of change rolling across staff levels, predictions for the future, and policy.

Enterprises looking to build a Dynamic India need to consider policies and investment counter to the trends of Challenging Times. Changes in workforces and global conditions are creating huge opportunities.

Government policies like “Make in India” are showing results. For example, Foxconn is planning to raise employment in the Tamil Nadu iPhone plant to 70,000 over the next two years from current levels (estimated at quadruple current levels or more). This major employment increase is directly related to government policy and Foxconn (iPhone) production problems in China. Other companies are also expanding their production. Pegatron (also Tamil Nadu) and Wistron (Karnataka and Telangana) are expanding production, though numbers are not yet available. Some of these jobs will be shifted from other plants like those in Vietnam. The export fraction of the expanded Apple-product production is also not known. The ‘campus’ production models used in China may also be different (workforce lifestyles, automation, product mix) as the outsourcers adapt production methods and supply chains to India-based sites. The increase in hardware device-production employment is a definite gain for Dynamic India.

Last year Priya Balasubramaniam, VP of Product Operations, at Apple – announced support for one million jobs directly and indirectly. You can read the Deccan Herald reference here.

The future possibilities for economic development and workforce development from Make in India are also not yet known. (See EkaLore’s releases on Dynamic India) The parallels to dilemmas faced by large scale white-collar outsourcing to India are clear when considering factory production staff. To consolidate and extend the social gains from the policy gains, more policy changes are needed. Labor mobility, small-medium-business encouragement in the supply chains, geographic dispersal, and other concerns are worthy of discussion – and especially action. The benefits are coming – policy and industry makers (including banks) need to accelerate benefits for the greatest stakeholders.

While there is a great expansion of foreign High Tech investment, there are reductions happening as well due to the world economic situation. Read our next post: Dynamic India – New Choices 2

Ekalore helps organizations that are dealing with rapid change by improving process and exploring tactical and strategic improvements.


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