1. Your big customer doesn’t accept your price increase on your latest proposal
2. A new competitor courts your customer and is happy to buy the business
3. Your deal pushes a quarter – They are unsure of their business right now.
4. Your company unexpectedly adds charges to delivery and your customer is on fire and they’re considering alternatives
EkaLore has written about dealing with price increases from a sales and a management point of view. Our summary phrase for what’s happening is “Bang, Clatter, Clash”
Bang - Prices go up
Clash - Customers react
Clatter - Customer relationships fray or dissolve
We’ll explore these topics later in the week, but for today let’s focus on near term issues.
EkaLore works with customers and suppliers to help enterprises thrive. EkaLore can help skills (negotiations, tactics, metrics) or decisions (strategies, perspectives, analysis) as needed. Talk to us about how we can help. www.ekalore.com/contact
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