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Eliot Axelrod

Post 19 Transforming your business - Knitting things together

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Jim’s company had successfully tried out new online sales campaigns and the results were good! Fulfillment problems began as sales grew. How would he bring it all together?

In a company meeting, Jim and Adam discussed the problems with fulfillment. There were coordination problems. Adam challenged Jim for blaming the fulfillment warehouse.

“We’ve changed the computer data format several times. I checked recent customer service complaints and discovered a disconnect. The answer isn’t a new vendor, it’s creating standard ways to setup product codes and bundles.” said Adam.

Jim pushed back. “We’re missing shipments. We can’t have that!”

Adam was tasked with tracking changes and coordinating between the two groups. Problems seemed to recede into the distance and more orders came in from the website.

Website sales increased rapidly and products were fulfilled to users. Instead of relying on monthly reports from their distributor (who had not ordered any more product), they were getting real-time feedback. Now it was time to apply that learning to the business.

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