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The Game's Afoot 3 - Dynamic India

This is a continuation of EkaLore’s Game’s Afoot series. This installment focuses on the opportunity and challenge of attracting investment.

First-world investment capital has sought out gambling and gaming ventures on a global scale. Flight capital, transnational investments, investment funds, hedge funds, and outright criminal syndicates have actively sought investments in global markets and local operations to make global-valued returns. The Indian gaming and gambling markets have some unique opportunities (such as Fantasy Cricket) and desire to participate in global spaces like eSports or media (Twitch). The lure of colossal game populations and gigantic revenues lures all types of investors to a Dynamic India.

Dynamic Indian tech developers see opportunities like prior global markets growing the same types of games, gaming, and gambling onto communications networks and cloud computing. Communications capabilities and capacity grow demand from individuals into value and revenues for each link in the infrastructure and app ecosystems. Aggregate value and colossal participation are seen as helping each ecosystem provider along the path to scale and margins. Willing investors see all the activity as self-funding and feeding after the initial startup and launch operating.

The puzzle for governments and regulators is how to encourage, then tax, the levels of activity to balance legitimate public interests against the purely commercial (and sometimes more) interests bringing investment to the marketplace*. For Dynamic India to create another tech segment competitive on a global scale, governments and regulators have to get it right and not just good enough.


This is part 3 of the series. Click here to view part one and part two


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