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The Hunt for Learning — The Long Term

The Hunt for Talent — The Long-Term Situation

For all these intense and dramatic incidents there are “slow burns” that come to an urgent need for people with specific knowledge, dispositions, and experiences. Talent needs are even more obvious when it’s missing. The long-to-recognize needs might be:

• A wonderful design that needs manufacturing engineers to make ready-for-market products.

• A coming loss of talent not planned for or replaced. (Like Baby Boomers retiring, or crucial roles who leave)

• Failure for too long to keep staff updated on the greater industry (not growing juniors to seniors, or keep seniors current)

• A jealous talent that wants no peers.

• Only having ‘one’ essential staff with no alternate, backup, or help-on-call. (example: when they need family leave)

Next up – More Diagnostics

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