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Arnold Kwong

Trust and the Mob of Moose

Mob of Moose (MOM) was a famous chain of theme restaurants. Each franchisor held a territory granted by a central holding firm, GrandMOM. After many years of domestic operations, G-MOM had decided on a distant expansion. Steeped in custom and mythos of deals “with a handshake” G-MOM had to decide how to expand.

G-MOM worked thru government contacts to meet leading business and banking interests. At a series of sumptuous banquets over wine chalices, Big G-MOM became comfortable with a local family group, Mai Family. Uncertain in other swamps, G-MOM had enlisted Tread, Waddle, Instep, and Trammel (TWIT, attorneys) to handle details.

The TWIT partner for G-MOM HQ met with a local TWIT lawyer to chew details.

“The Big G-MOM is concerned with the details. The Ancient Antlered Ones of the Board are holding Big G-MOM responsible for any bad news. Let’s draft an Agreement that is specific enough that everyone understands what’s expected and how to handle swamp crises to come.”

The local TWIT partner was cautious.

“The local businesses operate in a swamp of troubles. The legal language will be fine. Local expectations and customs are different. Not every day. In every way during a big crisis. Mai Family has the youngest, Mai Young, leading this so as not to risk the Family name and reputation if something goes wrong. The swamp is a difficult place to prosper.”

The TWIT partner was sure of his client.

“G-MOM is fine in a swamp when their part of the deal keeps getting paid. They are very firm on their rent. As long as Mai Young pays, they’ll be no problems.”

The deal went forward. In the local market Mob of Moose opened over 1500 locations across decades. The locations ranged from big kiosks to multi-story destination attractions. Big GrandMOM basked in the good news delivered to the Ancient Antlered Ones.

A new Big GrandMOM, Big Rack, ascended, knowing Mai Young from having been the in-swamp manager while “growing his antler spread”. It was a trusting connection between Mai Young and Big Rack.

Then nSARS-CoV2, COVID-19, came.

Mai Young was the first to call. Reaching out to Big Rack he was quick to the point.

“We won’t be paying rent for a while. The government has completely shut us down. We’re going to take care of staying in business first.”

Big Rack was shaken. Mai Young had been reliable even in the worse recessions!

“I’ll have to deal with questions. You and I don’t have any answers yet. I will believe in our relationship . Can you and the Mai Family trust?”

Mai Young was somber.

“We are still in the deal. We will work the details when there are answers.”

Mai Young saw Family in person with news.

“I will do what the Family must. I trust Big Rack to do what he can. The Traveling Sharks will eat him first if there are no answers. Then we will deal with who’s next if we must. If I’m wrong about Big Rack then we will not be who breaks trust first.”

Big Rack faced the Ancient Antlered Ones and spent his trust.

“Things may never be normal. We have choices. Keep faith with our deals – the substance not the paper, or face being eaten by the Traveling Sharks. We’re just junk food to the Traveling Sharks. We are spending money at the risk of not getting it from the Mai Family. I will take responsibility if they fail.”

Press and media reported that the Mai Family Mob Of Moose locations were closed, and spending money in a time of COVID differently. All employees were guaranteed at least half-pay for the near future. The Mai Family had leaned on suppliers. Products that would have gone for sales were diverted to hospitals and first responders financed by the Mai Family. The Mai Family sent millions to build new COVID wards and PPE for health care providers.

The Ancient Antlered Ones were troubled and suspicious.

“Why can’t the Mai Family send G-MOM money when they’re spending millions and millions on everything else?”

Big Rack was shaken, and replied from personal experience and trust.

“I talked to Mai Young. The Mai Family is in trouble. They have thousands of employees, dozens of big suppliers, and are spending their Family fortune on helping the public. Mai Young asked me personally to stand with the Family and took responsibility for the decision not to send us money now. I trust him. If you trust me, be patient while the world sees what is to come.”

Big Rack talked to ChocolateMoose, who was the local manager for G-MOM. Big Rack trusted, but had to verify.

“You are local. I need to know what is really going on, not just reported on the Internet.”

“The Mai Family is in trouble. The local Gnomes of Gold fear for their money more than anything. Many companies are being put to death. Ultimately the government will decide who opens and how. Who will be in business is in doubt. I can only report, not change anything.”

Having been in that swamp, Big Rack decided to trust ChocolateMoose’s report.

Months passed. The Mai Family continued to spend money on steps to safely open up, employees, and spending for underfunded health care delivery. The Mai Family prepaid suppliers for goods that might never be received in an act of faith trusting they needed the suppliers to ever open again.

Mai Young, exhausted, faced the Family.

“We are nearing the limit. Only we know this, and the public believes we have no limits to helping. The government may never help. We must keep on for now, and less as we can’t .”

The eldest Family responded.

“It was a test when you were sent to see if G-MOM could be a success. It was. If you believe that Big Rack and G-MOM will help us we will trust you as long as we can. You can spend money to the limit.”

The next calls weren’t much better.

“Big Rack, I must tell you that the government will only let us open our largest locations with limits on hours, who can shop, protections for employees, and warnings that they will close us again if this fails.”

“Mai Young, do what you can. Tell me what you know.”

“Big Rack, you’ll see it all in the news.”

Indeed, there was news – bad for the distant market. Headlines were different for MOM.

“MOM Mania! Long lines greet re-opening of Mai Family locations.”

“Employees told to take time off with pay at MOM if they feel sick.”

“Local drivers report work hours longer as deliveries to MOM step up due to demand.”

“MOM and Mai Family continue donations as health care crisis deepens.”

“Hospitals thank MOM for donations – workers helped in deep crisis.”

The next call between Big Rack and Mai Young showed two exhausted chiefs in a crisis.

“Big Rack, I must tell you that we will survive. Times are uncertain, the sickness is growing, but we will continue. The local Gnomes of Gold tell me that they will support us. Our Family has a good reputation and they believe we will survive.”

At some surprise, Big Rack replied,

“Mai Young – the Ancient Antlered Ones have asked. I told them what I knew – I trusted the Mai Family and you. This is good news!”

ChocolateMoose had more color.

“MOM is now seen as a leader in business. MOM does everything anybody is doing to protect employees. MOM is seen as more reliable than government in protecting customers. Their suppliers have taken Mai Family promises and money to the Gnomes of Gold and gotten credit. The Gnomes of Gold are careful not to be seen as closing a loved business with so many workers. G-MOM money is safe.”

Big Rack reported to the Ancient Antlered Ones.

"The Traveling Sharks are telling investors that MOM has been a leader -- especially in the critical market with the Mai Family. Our Gnomes of Gold have confirmed that they will not put more pressure on us while our recovery goes on. This is not over -- we have only well begun."

Our fable has a moral. Organizations don’t trust – people do. Without trust no project can survive. Trust starts in healthy relationships – business and personal – and only survives challenges if all are present. Trust is not free – people and organizations will spend money, personal stakes, and time to build it, maintain it, and only then get the benefits.

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