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Where is the data? EVs

In this series of releases, EkaLore will take a short look – sometimes related to other analyses and notes already released – at data and why it matters so much to all enterprises, tiny to colossal.

Enterprises are engaged with “high stakes” data about their products and services to be presented to government regulators and others. The high stakes affect prices, permits to sell, and public confidence about those products and services. Without good curated data, enterprises simply won’t get to sell those products and services.

This release looks at the data problems for VW Group’s iD.4 electric vehicle platforms manufactured in Chattanooga, TN. Without the right data, VW customers can’t qualify for tax benefits.

Volkswagen Group has something to prove when it comes to providing data. The Dieselgate scandal in the mid-2010s hurt VW’s reputation. To recap, the VW Group’s diesel vehicle platforms were found to be approved based on falsified testing data. The scandal cost enormous amounts of shareholder value and reduced trust in VW’s statements to governments and the public. Providing accurate data to regulators has always been important. With the advent of new tax breaks for EVs from the US government, it is even more important.

The VW Group has now successfully submitted data to the US Federal Government to receive the coveted approval. This means that the Chattanooga, TN, vehicle plant’s output of iD.4 model electric vehicles (EV) will receive the highest levels of Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax benefits (USD$7500). VW didn’t make the list to start out.

VW Group’s iD.4, based on its global MEB product platform, vehicles were originally manufactured and imported from Germany. VW planned to move the assembly of the iD.4 to the USA in part due to USA legislative and regulatory actions providing tax incentives only for vehicles meeting certain materials and manufacturing rules. VW Group announced in 2022 that vehicles manufactured in its Chattanooga, TN, plant would be eligible in early 2023 for the full amount of the tax incentives. Under USA Federal Law and regulations, additional restrictions would be put in place in early 2023. With many other manufacturers’ platforms, the VW iD.4 (even imported) was on a list published by USA Federal authorities giving tax incentive status thru April 17th, 2023. Of the 60 or more EVs for new vehicle sales in the USA, after that date, only 10 would qualify for the full USD$7,500 tax incentive and another 7 for half the amount (USD$3,750) based on their use of material, manufacturing, and pricing. The list for post-April 17th did not initially have VW iD.4 MEB-platform products eligible for the full tax incentives.

To be Continued – Part 2 of “Where is the Data EVs” will continue with more details concerning the VW iD4’s transition to US manufacturing.

You can find this and other Where is the data articles at

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