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Arnold Kwong

#1 of the 8 Rules for 21st Century Skunk works

Projects with risk need to be “owned” and sponsored by an accountable leader.

This series continues looking at insights for enterprises from the Rules for the Skunk Works.

If management decisions had no risks then decisions would be made by anyone. Credible leaders “own” their decisions and sponsor the actions to make things happen. Anyone who has ever worked in an enterprise without credible leadership knows that workers all know when their managers aren’t leaders. It’s not hidden when managers boss and not lead. An accountable leader takes the heat for bad choices and gives away credit for successes. Yes, success has a hundred parents and failure is an orphan – especially in enterprises without leadership. A leader who has repeated success can give away credit – accomplishment speaks for itself.

Enterprises need the accountability that metrics show – from product quality in the factory and call center to management performance. If it’s not important, it’s not measured. Most important, metrics communicate what’s important and worth measuring for priorities and rewards.

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