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Alien Invasion: Still not a wonderful world

The previous post revisited Disney+ as an alien invader. The table below uses publically announced data about the 2 Q 2022 results.

Netflix reported second-quarter financial results disappointing to investors dropping 970K subscribers. NetFlix had 220.67M subscribers globally, adding 1M in Asia/Pacific with North America 73.3M including losing 1.3M, and Europe losing 770K with the rest elsewhere.

NBCUniversal’s Peacock service had no gains at 13M subscribers. Peacock gained 4M in 1Q2022. The Peacock goal is 35M or more active accounts by 2025 which includes monthly subscription (non-advertising) accounts in a multi-tier market grid.

Paramount+ gained 3.7M subscribers to 43.3M including Russian disconnects of 1.2M. Overall global subscribers gain was 1.7M of 63.7M. Paramount is targeting more than 100M customers by 2024.

HBO/Discovery+ grew a combined 16.3M subscribers in 12 months up to 1.7M in 2Q 2022 globally. HBO/Discovery was down 300K in North America. HBO/Discovery’s goal is 130M by 2025.

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