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Aliens in Your Systems - #1

In 2021, EkaLore started a series of posts introducing the concept of Aliens: Category Killers, who invade from beyond the relevant marketplace. Businesses live in a world where entrenched market players can be taken by surprise and displaced rapidly, even though they are “doing things right.”

Previous posts focused on the definition and impact of an invasion.

The next few Alien posts explore how the different parts of the marketplace are affected by Alien Invasions. Buyers/Consumers, Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Distributors experience different effects. Potential benefits and challenges will affect each of them from different perspectives.

An example of an Alien Invasion is Amazon’s offerings to the Industrial/Commercial marketplace. Amazon started as a bookseller in the 90s, morphed into a consumer colossus, and now looks to other marketplaces.

Buyers gain greater price transparency as well as comparison information between Suppliers/Distributors. Suppliers have greater potential to “go direct” to buyers. Manufacturers gain control of supply chains with direct visibility to buyers on a more level playing field. Distributors may lose some of their value as an intermediate step in the purchase process.

Desirable bonds directly between design, manufacturing, service, and fulfillment can improve supply response and simplify communication. Capacity to apply capital, knowledge, cashflow, and technologies will abruptly change. Enterprise capabilities and execution performance will be outside metrics and objectives.

That’s the What and Why. Want to know How do something to improve your enterprise?

EkaLore is focused on helping enterprises gain greater advantages. Enterprises can blunt the effects of invasive change and use rapid change to their advantage.

If you’d like to comment, differ with our conclusions, or set up a time with an analyst to talk through your situation – reach out to us at


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