Bharti Global is pursuing a set of strategies in focus on a “domestic market” in India. In pursuit of larger share and profits Bharti Global has:
Taken foreign direct investment funding from Google as a partner in the Internet ecosystem in India
Partnered with the British Government to operate OneWeb providing global-scale constellation direct-to-satellite Internet access
Invested as a multinational firm to venture to global markets
These steps combine to build domestic market strength in India by:
Building investor value by showing global enterprise strengths
Forward invested in marketspaces improve margins and return on assets
Partnered with global enterprises acting to push technology and brand value forward
We've published several other blog posts that deal with Bharti and some companies that we classify as "Alien Invaders" see those posts here for more reference: - Bharti counter attacks against Amazon
- Mercedes-Benz places its development headquarters in India to start its alien invasion of third party maintenance providers
Vodafone's Alien Invasion of the Indian Telecom market fails spectacularly