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AST SpaceMobile Part 2

In our last post, we introduced AST SpaceMobile, one of the “Alien Invaders” who are shaking up the mobile carrier service space. If you haven’t read it, you can find it here.

AST SpaceMobile has completed delivery of its BlueWalker 3 test satellite for early September 2022 launch by SpaceX Falcon 9 to low-earth orbit (LEO). AST SpaceMobile launched a test satellite in April 2019 used to prove the feasibility of direct to satellite-cellular using 4G/LTE protocols. The BlueWalker 3 satellite is equipped with an 8x8 meter (64 square meters) phased array antenna capable of frequencies to communicate with unmodified cell phones operating under 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE, and 5G protocols. AST SpaceMobile at scale intends to use Q and V-band spectrum to relay to ground stations.

The BlueWalker 3 is ~1500 kg with the production BlueBird satellites planned to be even larger with antennas capable of serving a larger number of cellular hex service areas concurrently. The BlueBird designs included provisions for launch on multiple launch partners’ rockets. The first production satellites for the AST SpaceMobile constellation will be smaller than the final BlueBird design by 50% in order to achieve time-to-market in 2023.

The BlueWalker 3 satellite was originally scheduled for launch as a secondary payload on a Russian Soyuz launcher in 2022. The launch was moved to SpaceX in August 21 before any sanctions against Russia due to delays in the primary Soyuz payload. AST SpaceMobile signed agreements to launch payloads via SpaceX for more than USD$22.75M in March 2022. AST SpaceMobile has a SpaceX reservation for additional satellite launches with options to defer. Plans are for 5 satellites to be launched together on a single Falcon 9. The original schedule for 2023 called for 20 BlueBird satellites by 3Q2023 to begin services. A six-month delay will see this schedule slip by 6 months into 2024. The first production BlueBird launch is scheduled for 2023 with a goal of 110 satellites in a constellation by the end of 2024. A MIMO upgrade to the constellation is planned with another 58 satellites by 2025. If AST SpaceMobile can resolve supply and manufacturing challenges to reach a planned production manufacturing rate of 6 satellites per month it is still likely this full constellation will slip due to launch availability and on-orbit deployment.

Nokia Mobile Networks is the selected supplier for 5 years for AST SpaceMobile. Nokia will embed 4G/5G AirScale technology, including AirScale SingleRAN base stations, and those powered by the latest generation of ReefShark System-on-Chip (SoC). Nokia will supply NetAct software solutions for network management daily network operations, optimization, and technical support services.

Deployment Phase


Potential Revenue (Monthly)

Equatorial Constellation - 2023


49 countries, ARPU USD$1.03

N America, EU, Asia – 2023-4


Mature markets, ARPU USD$7.62

Full Global – 2023-4


Global expansion, ARPU USD$1.68

MIMO Constellation


373M subscribers in four years

If you’re facing an Alien Invasion and your marketplace and you’d like some tips on how to fight back let’s talk.

On the other hand, if you’d like to swoop in and steal your competitor’s lunch we should talk as well.


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