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Bad News Travels Fast!

EkaLore has been releasing our thoughts about BAD (Big data/AI/Data sciences) Projects. In this release, we look at the communications gap between senior management, sponsors of projects, and project team members.

Good news travels at the speed of gossip. Bad news travels farther faster. Those are potent observations about the news from BAD Projects. News goes by the best available route – ‘water cooler’, lunch line, social media, or ‘Hey! Have you heard…’ In a race between gossip and hard news – there is no contest.

The different stakeholders in a BAD Project – senior managers, sponsors, and project team members – have their own interests, politics, and perspective. In other words, the same news means different things to different people. This can cause organizational challenges. First, this series of posts consider those perspectives and challenges. Then we’ll look at how to ‘defeat’ these all too typical patterns of communications and behaviors.

BAD Project team members want their reputations and hard work recognized. Solid project results and milestone achievements are joyfully announced widely (even without any real details as projects are often important and details messy). Sponsors smile when budgets are on track, results bring benefits, and coordination/collaboration all works. Senior managers are often more excited to hear that projects don’t require more attention than that they provided good results. Good news has many parents – up and across an enterprise.

The next post talks about what happens when there is bad news about a BAD project.

You can read this and other pieces about BAD projects at


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