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Counter Attack – Defending Against Alien Invasions

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

EkaLore’s releases have discussed Alien Invasions, devastating market entries by companies with Money, Know-How/Tech, and resources. This post switches gears and discusses how to effectively defend against such invasions.

Keys to fighting an Alien Invasion are decisions are taking painful measures. In better times, these decisions would have been unlikely.

Doing what wasn’t politically palatable (geography, workforce, regulatory, R&D)

Regulatory – Get protection and ringfence (NAFTA)

R&D – Bring out next generation product early to defend market (Intel)

Geography – Put plants into new country/labor pool (China, Central America, India)

Workforce – Use new workforce (outsource, new labor pool, new tech plant) (Cell phones)

Our next post will go into greater detail about counter measures.

if you’d like to protect against an Alien Invasion or If you’re interested in leading one we can help. Reach out to us


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