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Counter Attack - Defending Against Aliens #2

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

Post #2 Regulatory Barriers to Slow Aliens

The first post outlined 4 areas where companies could make changes to counter Alien Invaders. This post focuses on Regulatory barriers to Alien Invaders.

Legal and regulatory barriers erected around the Alien Invader such as the USMCA may delay and complicate their invasion. As an example, domestically produced aluminum parts imported into the U.S. from Canada and Mexico are regulated. Depending on the type of parts, tariffs may apply. For each subject part and industry this may repel Aliens. Sizable market players may have been lobbying for these sorts of barriers all along.

If you’re an Alien you’ve been slowed down from entering a market. If you’re an incumbent, you have more time to react.

Our next post will cover accelerating R&D as a counter measure to Aliens encroaching on your profit and market share.

If you’d like to protect against an Alien Invasion or if you’re interested in leading one we can help. Reach out to us


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