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Increasing BAD Project Value 2

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

The first post in the series outlined general objectives for Big Data/AI/Data Science (BAD) projects. Stakeholders have different views of value, but the staff needs to deliver that value. How do you increase the value of that project?

We'll outline three general ways of increasing value. Here is the first:

A) Consider new high-value objectives for challenging conditions.

Sales and operational groups are seeing new scenarios from current challenges. BAD Projects are often the best teams positioned to know all of the relevant data, understand current processes (not necessarily what’s in the documentation), and have visibility with management. High immediate value can be recognized for answering urgent questions:

1) How has customer demand changed and what shifts can be grabbed for advantages?

2) How can changes in product demand, production scheduling, and logistics costs be rebalanced?

3) What analysis of the ‘cubes of cubes’ can show new insights not run before?

Conversations with management who are trying to optimize for new conditions can lead to rapid ‘wins’ for the BAD Project.

Tomorrow, we'll consider a second way to deliver additional value from the same project.

You'll find that post at


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