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Increasing the value of your BAD Project

EkaLore has been considering the effects of an apparently slowing economy, inflation, and supply chain disruption on the demand for Big Data/AI/Data Science (BAD) projects. What may have been a great deal in 2019, just won't pass muster in 2022. How do you increase the value of your project so that it gets approved or stays funded?

BAD Projects often have multiple objectives:

1) A business objective tied to improving a metric for an operating group (sales, production, etc)

2) A technical objective tied to capability for the information technology group (improve tools, implement new platforms, lead deployment for infrastructure or security tech)

3) Upgrade business staff (train up and deploy new capabilities, migrate to newer infrastructure or tech, integrate newly acquisitions)

Each stakeholder group has their local understanding of the “value” of the results of the BAD Project. The cross-group staffing of a BAD Project (even if just ‘dotted line’) is charged with delivering that value.

We'll suggest three different approaches to increase value in our next piece. Look for it at


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