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Managing Sales and Marketing IT Spend during the Crisis part 2

In our last blog post, we highlighted 4 checklist items for managing Sales and Marketing IT assets, particularly in the case of a downturn. Here are 4 additional areas to scrutinize, especially if you are considering changes to the organization:

1. Security and authorization rules are scrambled by staff changes (reductions or job changes)

2. Reporting and responsibilities are scrambled (who gathers the data, runs the reports, and delivers them to--?)

3. Review remote working supporting systems. They may not be managed tightly (sales and marketing often have their own VPN, cloud VPN, or access services)

4. Consider that workflow and approval processes may be disrupted by personnel losses or reassignments (e.g. expense approval, Travel & Expenses, new sales deals, sales funnel promotions)

Unlike Enterprise IT, Sales and Marketing IT roles may have no obvious title (or job description) that describes their actual day-to-day work (such as the sales force automation administrator, or the person who gets the eCommerce reports from the outside vendors, or the person who monitors web server usage, or the person who posts the enterprise blogs).

These people and functions must be explicitly identified BEFORE outside forces (like the coronavirus or imposed workforce reductions) force IT managers to act quickly without the proper information. Do this TODAY!


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