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More money from your CRM Contact data - Where the rubber meets the road

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

In our last two posts, we discussed updates and fixes for contact information and what’s required. Now for the key question - who should do this?

This may seem obvious but salespeople aren't bonused to update contact names, they're paid to sell. Sales trainers for years have talked about the value of keeping in touch with your sponsors for the long term, but that doesn't necessarily translate into updated CRM records.

Your company has internal data such as purchase data, marketing sign-ups, and shipping information that could be used to update records, but there is often little time or inclination to devote internal resources to it.

If the 20th century was about working smarter, then the 21st century is about bringing in services or intelligent processes to do the work for you. Increasing the value of your data should be simple and cost-effective.

If you'd like to learn how Ekalore can automate the data improvement process economically, click here to learn more.


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