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New Ideas Demand New Skills

Another Hunt for Talent post

New global challenges are creating demands for uncommon talent pools. Government and multinational subsidies for green energy, semiconductors, and finances are creating new patterns of demand. The focus on creating a local Silicon Valley has shifted to creating a “Solar Valley”. Failed investments in ‘green energy’ and fuels (German solar, USA wind, Canadian tar sands, south Asian petroleum) have not discouraged these efforts. In fact, they have only been intensified by urgent climate change and rising fuel costs (coal imports/exports, LNG transport, energy transport).

While subsidies for large construction projects and infrastructure are controversial, they continue. The most notable examples are in Asia (China high-speed rail, Belt-and-Road Initiative/development), EU (offset/development funds), USA (Build Back), and EMEA (Saudi/UAE/Qatar/Turkey projects).

The talent needed to fully realize the value of these investments doesn’t necessarily exist where needed. The interests of governments in applying pools of talent (EU initiatives in tech/semiconductors, USA funding for research and development in health care, UK funding for academic research) are often coupled with perceived talent pool needs in the middle-term of years. The demands for uncommon talent pools have led to demands for new education/training (deployment of new solar or battery technologies), new jobs (gig work in transportation), and new talent development (health care, production/logistics). Enterprises adapting to new markets are trying to find good ways to adapt talent as needs are uncommon.

Enterprises are faced with conflicting demands for talent, conflicted social pressures, and conflicted demands for future talent. Global migration of talent is a continuing factor as are enterprise pressures to select strategies and talent pools based on local conditions.

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