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Plant and Engineering IT Part 5

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

This series of blogs is a short reminder that Plant and Engineering can't just be turned on and off like a light switch. Unfortunately during a major downturn, it sometimes falls to outside organizations to keep these facilities ready to work again.

Here are some technical roles worth documenting before you have to.

1. Are Engineering licenses well kept? Who keeps them?

2. Plant floor equipment software and firmware updates aren’t on a schedule, and who will do them is unknown.

3. Who manages factory floor networks? Who secures plant WiFi? Updates network gear for robots?

4. Engineers used to do hardware, software, equipment, robot, and network support and maintenance – who do those roles fall to and who is their backup in-depth?

5. Managers need to be able to override product or test processes because people are missing, but do they have the training to do this?

6. Software and hardware, licenses, and support may not be tracked in a central location.

7. Often engineering and plant hardware and software aren’t bought through purchasing or normal IT channels. (bundled with a robot for example). An inventory is needed.

8. Hardware and software support contracts frequently require different Service Level Agreements in engineering or the plant. To support a 7x24 plant floor new contracts are needed.

9. License servers for very expensive software often won’t work in VPN or remote work environments. An examination and check on license management software and servers are needed.

10. The setup for primary support, backup support, and cross-training are likely not up to date. Put a written list of responsibilities in place and make sure people know what the SLA means.

11. An up-to-date list of support vendors is needed. The old list may depend on the memories and social contacts of the staff, and an updated list is critical.

12. A critical supply chain list is needed. The replacement parts may not be in business. Doing a supply chain check is critical.

13. Clearances and required security checks for outside maintenance/support vendors personnel mean that an updated list is needed.


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