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Post 16 - Looking for a "Purple Squirrel"

In our last post, the CIO and the HR VP acknowledge the gravity of the search and commit to pushing the process as fast as they can. The CIO was working thru approvals from the CFO and GC on his talent requirements.

Later that morning the HR recruiter posted the initial job description. She used an old Security Architect posting from a few years back to avoid review by legal. Notes were up on LinkedIn, and the major job boards. Incentives were offered for internal referrals, and the CIO announced the beginning of the search at his Breach Team meeting.

A few of the staff were confused by the official posting. The CIO got a number of comments via IM saying the description seemed old and to lack important details. The CIO explained this was a just a teaser ad. The candidates will be updated when they’re chosen for an interview.

The CFO hadn’t been favorable about more money than the old job description was rated. The CIO had to get with Helen in HR to build the case justifying a big salary. The GC’s office was waiting for another draft to refine a hiring job description. The CIO had to work out who could screen candidates when his Breach Team was already maxed out.

The net had been cast, and soon there would be some initial candidates to review.

Up next – Looking for a “CHEAP” purple squirrel

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