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Post 17 - A Cheap "Purple Squirrel

In our last post the search had been set up via ads, social media, job boards, and internal referrals.

After one week, the CIO received a note from HR. There were five resumes that had been picked from the hundreds of submissions they received. None of them were qualified. Most were too junior, and the others lacked must-have skills requested by the Breach team or demanded by the GC.

He instant messaged the HR VP. She called a few minutes later. “Listen,” she said, “With the budget restraints I got from the CFO, I put this in at a manager’s salary and benefits. So we may have some trouble getting Director level people. Do they have to be Director Level now or will you accept a good junior person?”

The CIO replied that “This was a priority from the CEO. Did you mention that to the CFO?”

The HR VP said, “I didn’t discuss it with him directly, but they’ve turned me down for every other position we’ve tried this reasoning.

I’ve had Helen survey and the GC’s credentials demands match Director level people or consulting pay scales.

If you force a senior person into a role below Director you may trigger an HR review for pay equity and talent career path across your whole department.”

“This isn’t every other position. Besides I cut my staff by a Director and two managers, don’t I have budget left?”

“How about I give them four weeks’ vacation and an extra education subsidy?”

“It can’t hurt”

“Can we wait on the potential issue on the pay equity until we see what we’re getting?”

“Just so you know in advance.”

“I’ll get with the CFO again and explain that the GC’s requirements are the CEO’s requirements and we need to be able to assign the budget to this position.”

“You already lost on getting interim talent from the outside. The CFO already put a hold on a dozen other personnel requisitions in other departments. I understand why you want this specialized talent, but the other departments see this as just more IT spend with no benefit for them. Even a cut to their headcount and budget because of the breach.”

Even with the verbal backing of the CEO, the CIO is still on his own when it comes to fighting for results. The CEO’s need for progress continues despite this.

Up next – The Trusted Advisor pokes her head in

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