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Post 20 — Vendor Issues

In our last post, three small specialist talent search firms are retained that will be paid only upon a successful hire. Unfortunately, their results are not any better than the initial effort.

Helen, the internal recruiter, dropped by with coffee for the HR VP,

“The vendors are telling me we’re paying too little to attract the right talent. They’re not going to waste any more time looking for talent when we’re not going to hire who they can find.”

The HR VP says,

“We’ve got no room for more comp right now. How about if we lower the recruiters’ rate and pay the candidate a hiring bonus that the recruiters can still get paid on?”

Helen was back to the HR VP later that day. Two of the original vendors quit upon hearing the rate was reduced, but two other independent recruiters have taken on the search.

The HR VP told the CIO of these developments in time for his next CEO one-on-one.

Up next – One-on-One on the Line

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