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Post 29 - A Problem for Every Solution

Updated: Jun 28, 2021

The search had produced three reasonable candidates. The CIO had his first positive feedback from the CEO since the breach began.

At the C-level staff meeting the next day, the General Counsel spoke up at the end of the meeting. “We absolutely must have someone who’s an expert on ransomware. I’ve been reading about cybersecurity since this breach business began and all anyone talks about is ransomware.”

The CIO thanked the General Counsel for his suggestion and said he would take it on advisement.

The General Counsel was even more adamant, “I don’t know how you can’t be aware of the gravity of ransomware.”

The CIO replied, “Of course it’s important, but it’s only one type of breach. The most common breaches are from internal sloppiness or theft. That’s why we’re focusing on record retention and log analysis. We can’t do everything.”

The CEO interjected, “I think the General Counsel has raised a valid concern.

The conversation moved on, but CIO audibly muttered something under his breath that may not have been considered polite conversation.

Next up- The Run Through

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