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Post 32. The CIO's Turn in the Hot Seat

The CEO called the CIO in for an emergency meeting later that morning.

“Did you see the latest article in the paper this morning?”

“Yes. It was a mischaracterization. We are making progress on the search, and my plan is progressing”

So you have a candidate that you want to make an offer to?

“Not yet.”

“Your plan is complete?”

“No. There have been some complications”

The CEO paused for a moment and looked at the notes on her phone. “It’s also come to my attention that your two acting leads have made formal complaints to HR. They say that they’ve been given a lot of extra work in return for potential raise.

We’ve got no budget allocated for those positions. How are you going to handle it when they can’t be promoted?”

The CIO looked down at the ground. “I talked with HR and the CFO about handling this after we’re through the breach issue.”

The CEO said “That’s just another loose end. Isn’t it.”

“This is a verbal warning. You are this close to being shown the door. Get me results quickly. If I hear another newspaper story like this, I’m going to assume it’s coming from your team.”

The CIO turned red, “I’ll speed up my efforts. I’ll update you as soon as I hear more from HR.”

More bad news and the CIO is getting the brunt of the fallout. He’s about to get some feedback from another perspective.

Next up – The Trusted Advisor talks to the CIO.

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