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Post 44 — Board Report Preparations

The CEO brought both the General Counsel, the HR VP, and the CIO in for a final conversation before the board meeting.

The General Counsel reported that he had drafted a new set of security record guidelines in accordance with the latest regulations. He’d retained an outside firm specializing in defending healthcare facilities from breach-related litigation.

The HR VP reported that she’d implemented online training to prevent or at least minimize phishing attacks.

Finally, the CIO presented the new hire’s background and explained the project in place to fix cybersecurity deficiencies and to elevate the security group’s defensive capabilities.

The CEO expressed satisfaction with the work that the team had done. She emphasized just how important tomorrow’s board meeting would be. It was management’s chance to position their actions and accomplishments after the breach. She was confident that she would look great because of the team’s efforts.

The search has come to successful completion. The board presentation looks good. It’s time to greet the new world that the crisis has created.

Next up – New Hire’s First Day

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