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Post 8 — The Tough News

In our last post, the CIO provided a plan to assign staff and get resources. The CEO accepted parts of the plan. Today it’s happening.

Holly got a called CIO at 8:30 am to come by his office. When she walked in, she saw an HR manager, Helen sitting by his desk. The CIO curtly said,

“I’m sorry to tell you we’re having a re-organization today and you are being reassigned.”

Holly turned a bit red.

“We’re just activating our breach plan. What’s going on?”

“You’ll be dedicated to executing that plan. The plan is well documented and we need to have you focus on it.”

Holly saw her career at the hospital end in the moment.

“I don’t think this is a good role for me. There’s so much to get done and the breach plan calls for someone higher up than me to drive execution.”

The CIO understood.

“Then Helen is here to help you work this through.”

For a moment Holly thought about saying something else, but then silently stood up and walked down the hall with Helen.

The CIO’s day was taken up with tasks in the breach plan. After getting others started on their tasks, he talked to the two Team leads privately.

The CIO left the office with a headache. He’d made promises about future bumps in salary but had not promised timing since he hadn’t talked to the CFO yet.

The CFO had thrown the budget issues back onto him.

“The GC and VP HR have already been in. Outside legal and likely messaging spend has to be found because their budgets aren’t big enough to fund what it’ll cost. IT has a big spend. You need to find money for any outside talent resources, and expense spend.”

The CIO went back to his office knowing he had more to do than his budget could already pay for. Finding new money for the breach meant he was going to break more promises.

Next up – The CEO gets some sage advice

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