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Resourceful Realities

Enterprises are always resource short in some key area. The factory-machine critical to a major customer’s production – needs a changeover from the machinist on vacation. The badge access reader needs reset for new staff – waiting on badges from overseas production. The cloud vendor has a new release where security access to paperwork is changed – waiting for someone to look at it. The reality of data and network security is Information Technology doesn’t have the staff to do what is required.

Things to do today:

1. Know what leading enterprises in your space are doing (even in tiny businesses).

2. Pick critical data/plans/lists that the enterprise will die without . Ensure the backups are done by next week if not off-site already.

3. Find out what legal rules NOW apply to your enterprise.

A large political party, like a contemporary movie studio and global law firm, had a large amount of data ‘exfiltrated’ (copied and sent to embarrassing publishers). Software, network, and applications controls exist to limit how much data could be stolen at a time – if such a protection is implemented. Large and small health care enterprises need such protections as a best practice for HIPPA – although frequently delayed for ‘budget availability’ or ‘talent time’.

Critical data isn’t just business documents or customer records.

1. Is there a plant overseas capable of using all of your detailed parts plans?

2. Would leaks of records of effluent or emissions from facilities be embarrassing in the hands of opposing advocates?

3. Personnel turnover records be handy in the possession of opposing counsel in an employment lawsuit?

4. Travel schedules for executives newsworthy?

5. Enterprises have a lot of records and databases that could cause embarrassment besides legally protected data. Is your enterprise safe from embarrassment?

It’s a lot easier to let important things slide in favor of the urgent.

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