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Show Leadership – Plan for unlikely cyber-attacks during the crisis

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

Good time for bad actors - plan against cyber-attacks - Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Our earlier blogs talked about the current crisis driving changes (e.g. massive migration to remote work, supply chain disruption, and personnel changes) in IT infrastructure requiring increased network surveillance, monitoring, and resources (technical, hardware, people) in the Network Operations Center.

Chaos and disruption create conditions that attract bad actors. Forward-thinking leaders need to plan ahead, not react to potential threats.

A recent public example of attempted Denial-of-Service (DDoS) against the Federal Department of Health and Human Services has been widely reported. Technical details haven’t been described, and don’t really matter here. What is important is that attacks against enterprises, huge to tiny, are continuing and accelerating.

Vulnerabilities at the edge of enterprise networks are increased by huge numbers of people working in remote places with minimal firewalls, monitoring, and in-BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) boxes. Targeted malware and phishing attacks mean that it is almost certain some attacks will succeed on YOUR network. Do these things TODAY: (and not all of these are technical, some are just policy, some are just process and procedure)

A) Improve security at the edges of the enterprise networks.

B) Improve security at the core and cloud networks.

C) Don’t wait for another unlikely event—test backups and recoveries for data.

Stay tuned for Part 2 - Improving security at the Edge


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