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Arnold Kwong

Ugly Ducklings - 3

Distribute Legacy Data to Reap Gains

In our last post, we discussed the unrealized value in the enterprise data. This post expands on distributing enterprise data to places where It’s easily monetized. (Turn the ugly duckling into a white swan!)

Exploit new capabilities to distribute data to more places where it can be used

In an earlier post (The spreadsheet that wouldn’t die) we described the data stashed away (to lurk!) in spreadsheets that won’t die. Examples are easy to find in human resources, marketing models, production planning, operations with business relationships, and projects to optimize production (engineering or manufacturing management).

There are lots of tools to extract the data values out of spreadsheets and to then stuff lurkers in everything from databases to AI-project notebooks. Experiences have shown that pulling values out and doing analysis can yield big payback – from old lurking data!

Examples of extracted value are found in Human Resources data (focused by responsibility or accounting organization data), Marketing Models (documenting cost and price assumptions), manufacturing management (labor and staff loading related to product mixes with seasonality), and business relationships (documenting assumptions underneath contract arrangements).

Tomorrow we’ll explore how to extract more value from Enterprise data through newly available compute power.


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