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What Can't It Do?

OpenAI’s Large Language Model ChatGPT has been all over the media, popular commentary, and subject to much hype in recent weeks. Business and technology professionals are being asked “Are we doing anything with this?” and “This changes everything – What does it do for us?”

If you’ve spent time on social media, you’ll find many extreme statements about what ChatGPT (and other similar models) means for the world. The regular media has lavished attention on LLMs (Large Language Models) as well. The team at EkaLore has done some thinking about - “What does a LLM (Large Language Model) not do?”

A good place to start learning (at a moderate technical level) can be found in Stephen Wolfram’s look at OpenAI’s ChatGPT and the foundations of its implementation. (You can find the article here.) This series of posts will look at the class of LLM implementations at the current state of practice. The series will not focus on any particular LLM except to point out examples. Google Bard, Apple Siri, Amazon Alexa, Samsung Bixby, Baidu Ernie Bot, TenCent HunyuanAide, Microsoft Bing-ChatGPT, and others are examples of different functional capabilities and user experiences.)

The series will survey a little background on AI in general and then dive into what LLMs can’t do. You can find this and other BAD (Big Data/AI/Data Science) posts at


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