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Arnold Kwong

Where is the Data: The Fake Airplane Parts Can Kill Crisis - Background Regulatory Notices

Background Information

Regulatory Notices

EkaLore provides analysis and notes on a wide range of topics. The Background Information is provided for select topics where the actual text, references, and details relevant to our analysis and notes. This depth of material is common to our analysis and can be discussed further upon request.

Background Information: Regulatory Notices Key Texts

This is key text from the UK Civil Aviation Administration, European Air Safety Administration, and USA Federal Aviation Administration. The documents are common for an incident dealing with Suspected Unapproved Parts.

From the text of

CAA Safety Notice SN02023/004, August 4, 2023

“2 Recommended Actions

2.1 The UK CAA recommends that all CAMO, operators, owners and maintainers and distributers should investigate their records thoroughly to determine the provenance of any parts acquired either directly or indirectly from AOG Technics.

For each part obtained, please contact the approved organisation identified on the ARC to verify the origin of the certificate. If the approved organisation attests that the ARC did not originate from that organisation, then all affected parts should be quarantined to prevent installation. If a part is found with falsified ARC which has already been installed it should be replaced with an approved part.

The UK CAA also directs all CAMOs, owners and maintainers to All Operator Wire (AOW) publications which have been issued by GE and CFM.

2.2 The UK CAA requests that all organisations who identify affected or falsified parts, report the occurrence through the Mandatory Occurrence Reporting portal to the UK CAA and to EASA.”

The EASA notice, EASA: OC-EASA-2023004901, is similar with specific language on reporting. It references and echoes the UK CAA notice:

“The European Union Aviation Safety Agency encourages the reporting of any information concerning discovery of subject parts. In addition to mandatory reporting required under local airworthiness regulations, it is requested to report to EASA directly, via the ECCAIRS reporting portal on ECCAIRS2 | Report an Occurrence (”

The FAA notice, FAA Number 2023-AAE-EHL-20230801-713, dated Sep 21, 2023, is similar with specific information on the falsified ARCs:

“General Electric Company (GE) bushing part number 1856M94P01 sold by AOG Technics LTD to TAP Maintenance & Engineering.


This notification advises all aircraft owners, operators, manufacturers, maintenance organizations, parts suppliers, and distributors of GE bushing part number 1856M94P01 sold by AOG Technics LTD without Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) production approval.


Information discovered during an FAA Suspected Unapproved Parts (SUP) investigation revealed on July 25, 2023, AOG Technics LTD, located in London, United Kingdom (UK) sold bushings for GE Model CF6 engines to TAP Maintenance & Engineering without GE’s approval. AOG Technics LTD is not an FAA production approval holder.

The bushings sold by AOG Technics LTD are identified as part number 1856M94P01 and the associated FAA Forms 8130-3 are falsified and may have these characteristics:

  • An FAA Form 8130-3 block 7 description reference of “Bushing.” The correct description reference for the listed part number is “BUSHING SHRD (IGV).”

  • The User/Installer Responsibilities section on FAA Form 8130-3 is missing. GE does not remove boilerplate language from the FAA Form 8130-3.

  • FAA forms 8130-3 that do not match GE’s formatting standards.

o GE-issued FAA Forms 8130-3 do not have bold font in blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 13c, or 13e.

o GE-issued Forms 8130-3 have grayed-out blocks 14a, 14b, 14c, 14d, and 14e for new articles.”

UK CAA Safety Notice SN02023/004, August 4, 2023

EU EASA: OC-EASA-2023004901

USA FAA Number 2023-AAE-EHL-20230801-713, dated Sep 21, 2023

Part Number 1856M94P01

Falsified Authorized Release Certificate (ARC)

Data on:

China CAAC Form AAC-038, EU EASA Form 1, USA FAA Form 8130-3

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