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Arnold Kwong

Alien Invader: Adobe will Invade to Destroy Their Own Market Part 4

In Parts 1, 2, and 3 EkaLore looked at an overview of Adobe’s continued overhaul of its products and services by applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to speed how work gets done. Examples of how these features look at the marketplace in Part 2 were followed by a look at how the marketplace has been changed and will change in Part 3. In Part 4 EkaLore looks at how these new features enable process-level changes at-scale, and for small-medium-enterprises, saving money, speeding up efforts, and setting people up to make decisions.

Most enterprises are looking for results derived from materials and responses to the graphics and art produced by the tool suite features like Adobe. The services groups, and outside specialists, are elements in a business model, process, and communications that follow certain assumptions.

These changed assumptions:

  1. Enterprises-at-scale look for economic improvements at a process level. They aren’t just looking to push work around and make small gains. The process gains at scale are noticeable and likely to be acted on. The demands of scale include faster work product completion, much higher volumes of work products, greater scope (i.e. global ad campaigns), and faster turnaround for conceptualization and ideation.

  2. Campaign asset deployment and implementation processes are clearly different and enable lower risks for targeted rewards and benefits

  3. The economic and business models must adjust to:

a. new speeds enabling new capabilities throughout the life cycle and action choices,

b. new decision processes taking advantage of integrated measurement, feedback, and evaluation,

c. new opportunities where fast reaction times and decisions can make a material difference,

d. costs fall onto different relationships and magnitudes (i.e. not having to alter a campaign from simple stock illustrations to fully custom imaging), and

e. new opportunities where personalization and targeting may now be cost-practical

In our next segment EkaLore will continue our look at a level deeper of what enterprises (small to colossal) will act on to save money, gain process speed, and add functions not previously practical.

In Part 5 EkaLore will continue a deeper look at the features and benefits from Real World Artificial Intelligence as applied by Adobe to its products and services.

For more information about Real World Artificial Intelligence and Alien Invaders see


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