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Arnold Kwong

Alien Invader: Adobe will Invade to Destroy Their Own Market Part 5

In Parts 1 thru 4 EkaLore looked at an overview of Adobe’s continued overhaul of its products and services by applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to speed how work gets done. Examples of how these features look at the marketplace in Part 2 were followed by a look at how the marketplace has been changed and will change in Part 3. Part 4 looked at how these new features enable process-level changes at-scale, and for small-medium-enterprises, saving money, speeding up efforts, and setting people up to make decisions. Part 5 looks at a level deeper: what enterprises (small to colossal) will act on to save money, gain process speed, and add functions not previously practical.

Adobe has invested over a long development period applying artificial intelligence to bring a collection of features, updates, and integration-capabilities to its product lines and services.

Many of the same functions apply to the small and medium, as well as the colossal enterprise.

Some functions (such as intricate multi-unit, multi-enterprise, workflows) apply to all enterprises. A simple example, a key creative person or team needs access to all of the workflow automation with authentication and asset management. The internal group of a colossal enterprise has the same needs as a small external group for multiple levels of reviews, versioning of artifacts, traceability and credentials, and asset management.

Adobe looks to these artificial intelligence derived capabilities to save money, gain process speed, and add functions not previously practical. A closer examination of each follows.

Adobe looks for art creators and ideation processes to run with fewer people to save costs. Eliminating the un-loved process steps in a creative’s day by process automation, automation via repetitive/consistent application of process steps (“agenting”, “scripting”, etc.), and higher-order functions (multi-lingual text-based commands performing many step/tool applications to manipulate images). Besides saving money this frees art creators to spend more effort on creating – and less on repetition or complex manipulations. The higher labor productivity and more-time-on-high-value tasks saves money.

Process speed is improved by integration of workflows and collaboration tools (regardless of whether Figma is actually merged in). The gains of shortening complex asset packaging, combining asset transfers to eliminating other access methods (Dropbox, Drive, One, etc.) with security/encryption, and identified process steps (approval event sequences, etc.). Dependent on other Adobe product suite’s capabilities the process speed gains adoption with wider collaboration tools and approval processes already in use by enterprises. Process speed is key to enterprise agility and reducing process gaps.

Complex function sequences can now be textually integrated with Adobe products and services applying AI to real world tasks. The richness of the text command and user interface power is used by Adobe in re-lighting, backgrounding, and object searching using new suite functions. The image searching functions extend the metaphors developed for SQL-database searches with “Query By Example” instead enabling searching for similar images. The AI-features use the capability to analyze a drag-and-drop image for objects, features, and technical image properties. This is a continuation of feature improvements for Stock images over the last few years as Adobe has applied image-recognition techniques to their proprietary content. An obvious future extension would look to apply similar recognition techniques to a broader range of user-content in images, video, illustrations, and the like.

Enterprises will gain:

  • productivity (reduced costs from doing more with less resources or time-on-task),

  • consistent workflows (with support for conformity and compliance), and

  • capacity to drive more content production (content discovery and manipulation tools).

In Part 6 EkaLore will look from a perspective of what Adobe invading its own market will mean across functions and industries.

For more information about Real World Artificial Intelligence and Alien Invaders see

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