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Post 3 – The Idea and a Start — Sales and Marketing 2

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Finding a market and a distributor

Jim had created a new product and prototyped it. Jim and Adam’s research pointed to distribution as the most efficient way to build sales. Before he could gain distribution, Jim had to show that the product would sell to end users.

The big industry trade show took place every spring in Las Vegas. Jim created a few hundred prototypes to take to the show. He invited (and paid for) Adam and Susan to attend the show and work in his booth.

The product was well received by the resellers attending the show. Even better, two distributors showed interest in the product. Things were looking up. Customer fulfillment would be handled for the retail channel.

A buyer from a very large retailer came by the booth. She loved the widget. She handed Jim a card and asked him to email her as soon as the product was available. Adam whispered in Jim’s ear, “If we were in this retailer we’d be swimming in sales!”

What was the right price for consumers? What would distributors be willing to pay? Those were key questions as the venture considered its next move.

How did you decide on your sales channels? - Drop us a line at

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